Local Resources & Services

When you contact our community office, my staff and I will do everything we can to assist or to direct you to referrals in the community.  We are not able to intervene in legal processes, or give legal advice, and we are most effective in assistance with the Provincial level of government.  To speak with David Eby (by appointment) or staff, please call 604-660-1297 or email at david.eby.mla@leg.bc.ca. 

If we are not available and you need immediate assistance, contact Service BC.

Service BC is available 7:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. Pacific Time.


Send an email


Local Governance

Legal Assistance, Civil Rights, Advocacy

Housing, Assistance for Renters, and Tenant Rights

Employment & Income Assistance


If you have mild respiratory symptoms please do NOT go to an Emergency Department or UPCC for testing. Self-isolate for 14 days after symptom onset and until your fever has returned to normal. Call 811 if your condition significantly worsens. Call 911 if you are in need of emergency care.

Seniors Services

Child Care Resources

Business Resources


Homeless and Shelter Resources

Food Security/Farmers Markets

How can I help? How can I connect? Local Community Resources, Connections, and Volunteers COVID-19 crisis

Facebook group: Van Westsiders United

Facebook group: Kitsilano Cares

Facebook group: COVID-19 coming together Vancouver

Donate blood
