The past couple years have been incredibly difficult for farmers and ranchers in B.C. due to the effects of climate change. To help combat the effects of climate change on B.C.’s long-term food security, we’re providing new funding for B.C.’s farmers …
Province launching new centre for agritech innovation
The last two years have highlighted how important a sustainable and resilient agriculture industry is for our province. We’re announcing the launch of B.C.’s Centre of Agritech Innovation – a key action of the StrongerBC Economic Plan. The new centre will bring …
B.C. enhances consumer protection for homebuyers
This spring we received the B.C. Financial Services Authority’s advice on ways we can offer home buyers better protection. As a first key action from this advice, a homebuyer protection period will come into effect that will give homebuyers an opportunity …
Speculation and vacancy tax will help housing affordability in new communities
The speculation and vacancy tax has already brought 20,000 previously empty units back into the market for people to call home. We’re expanding this tax to some additional areas that are facing intense housing pressures. We’re looking out for everyday British Columbians, …
Building owners will reduce energy, save money with 5% tax credit
A new tax credit will make energy retrofits for multi-unit residential and commercial buildings more affordable, saving owners 5% on retrofits to help reduce their energy use. Building owners want to reduce the energy use of their home, office or retail …
Province seeks people to join anti-racism committee, help dismantle systemic racism
People from diverse backgrounds with a passion to help build a better, more equitable province are encouraged to apply to be part of B.C.’s first anti-racism data committee. The anti-racism data committee is part of B.C.’s recently enacted Anti-Racism Data …
Cullen Commission’s Final Report
The final report on the Commission of Inquiry into Money Laundering in B.C has been released. The commission has confirmed there was a serious and decade-long problem of organized crime laundering hundreds of millions of dollars in B.C. casinos, and that it …
Settlement reached with Purdue Pharma (Canada) for opioid damages
Opioid manufacturer Purdue Pharma (Canada) (Purdue Canada) has agreed to a first of its kind settlement in Canada resulting from B.C.-led efforts to recover health-care costs related to the sale and marketing of opioid-based pain medicines. The settlement was reached …
Anti-racism data legislation becomes law
The data collected through the new Anti-Racism Data Act will shine a light on the barriers that exist in government programs so that we can make improvements and create a more equitable province. We’re working in partnership with Indigenous, Black, and …
More homes for British Columbians through Speculation and Vacancy Tax
B.C.’s speculation and vacancy tax (SVT) helped make homes more affordable in the SVT areas of the province, based on independent analysis by Tsur Somerville and Jake Wetzel. The first comprehensive analysis of the SVT (Review Report) since it was …